Friday, July 25, 2008

Mosley wins

The British press would be amusing if they weren’t so woefully predictable. You might as well call Mr Justice Eady the Devil incarnate for all of the abuse being thrown his way today. All of the tabloid newspapers are up in arms. They feel besieged. “How dare he?” they cry. “The freedom of the press is under unprecedented attack!” The Sun, the stable mate of the News of the World, had a superb headline this morning. “Freedom gets a spanking!” they squealed. All of this because the good and honourable judge found in favour of Max Mosley yesterday.

Like the spurious justification provided by the News of the World for their foolishness, this – as I have said before - is unadulterated bollocks. A strict interpretation of English law – which the learned judge gave – makes clear that there was no justification for the News of the World publishing the lurid images they chose to publish. Accordingly, the tabloid was stung with a payout of £60,000 in damages to Mosley and settlement of all his legal costs – well over £1,000,000.

What these tabloid bastards choose conveniently to ignore is that Mosley was not employed as the rector of the church of St Martin in the Fields. Nor had he sought to hold himself out as the guardian of the world’s morality. He was simply the chap who presided over an organisation which set the rules for people who wanted to drive dangerous cars very fast. What he chose to do when he took his trousers off was not the business of anybody other than himself and any consenting companion of his.

It is unlikely that Mosley will feature among the recipients of knighthoods in the Queen’s birthday honours list next year, but I doubt he minds terribly much. After all, his father was a knight of the realm but it didn’t spare him being hauled off to chokey when he was deemed too unsavoury a chap for decent British society. No, Mr Mosley will now be able to indulge in his favoured leisure activities without fear of awkward lenses being poked into his flat. That is a victory worth fighting for I think.

So, congratulations Max! Were it not for my battered bank account, I would happily have stood you a session with girls B and E.

I will not labour the point. Still, suffice to say that there is no need for me to seek alternative accommodation in Timbuktu.

25 July 2008