Friday, May 11, 2007

Bernie's Bewitching

Another day another staggering announcement. From next year, Singapore will host the first ever night-time Grand Prix on yet another new street circuit. Bernie Ecclestone must have cottoned on to the fact that his source of funds - us the fans - were seriously irked by his absurd decision to interrupt a fabulous season as rudely as he did with the culling of Imola. The Valencia and Singapore deals must have been done ages ago but, learning from the superb spin-doctoring tactics of one Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (about whom you might just know a little!), Ecclestone chose to announce the deals on successive days just before the Spanish Grand Prix. The message is crystal clear: "Look chaps, hardly any point being upset now is there?"

Whatever the reasons for the timing of the two announcements, this is stunning stuff. A Monaco-esque race in Valencia and a night-time race in Singapore. Wow! I have every intention of being in Valencia for its first race but, sadly, doubt I can get as far as Singapore.

As ever, there will be a catch to this but we won't be told about it because in Ecclestone's brave new world information is disclosed strictly on a need to know basis. We do not need to know in which respect we are being shafted. Before you crack open the champagne in celebration for these spectacular presents, think about the ones you currently enjoy which you will, inevitably lose. Remember that Ecclestone likes big money. Well, big money is found wherever you find Big Tobacco smiling. Europe is hostile to Big Tobacco. Asia is not. Which races in Europe are we going to lose. You can bet it won't be the worst one: Hungary. So which of the classic circuits are we never going to see again?

Folks, could this mean the death of - heaven forfend - Silverstone?

11 May 2007